Document 1113 DR DOS Configuration files JL/RR 12/26/91 Description: These are some sample configuration files to help you decide how best to set up your system. It is not necessary for you to use them exactly as written but they can be used to give you ideas on what can be done with DR DOS 6.0. What your computer can actually accomplish is dependent on the hardware of your system. PC / XT Computers 640K (only) CONFIG.SYS SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P /E:256 BREAK=ON BUFFERS=20 FILES=30 FCBS=4,4 FASTOPEN=256 HISTORY=ON, 256, ON, OFF, OFF ?"Load Netware (Y/N)? " set lan=on ?"Enable DelWatch TSR (Y/N)? " set delw=on AUTOEXEC.BAT @ECHO OFF :DRDOSBEG PATH C:\;C:\DRDOS;C:\NETWARE VERIFY OFF PROMPT [DR DOS] $P$G if "%lan%"=="on" IPX if "%lan%"=="on" NET3 if "%delw%"=="on" DELWATCH C: /M:200 DISKMAP C: These files will setup an XT-type computer to use the following DR DOS 6.0 features: The DELWATCH command is a 5k TSR loaded to keep track of deleted files. The options indicate that Drive C: will be watched and no more than 200 deletions will be tracked. The DISKMAP command takes a snap-shot of Drive C:'s file allocation table. In the instance of serious disk or file corruption problems this feature will aid in the recovery of your disk and files. This command, however, can be executed as many times as needed during your computing session in order to get the most recent FAT image (via the $x variable in PROMPT, see page 294 of the DR DOS manual). Depending on the use of this type of configuration, this PC/XT could be used for other "light-duty" services on networks, et cetera, and therefore, other drivers can be implemented which would take more conventional memory such as SuperStor'ing the hard-disk for additional document storage for a printer server. SuperStor would take about 50K of conventional memory to run, and could have a serious impact on the ability to run some DOS applications. The examples for SuperStor in this document are for drives other than C:. If C: is compressed SuperStor will create a DCONFIG.SYS file on the uncompressed side and will place the SuperStor driver there. Refer to Document 1200 for more information on SuperStor. PC / XT Computers 640K and LIM 4.0 Expanded Memory CONFIG.SYS SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P /E:256 BREAK=ON BUFFERS=20 FILES=30 FCBS=4,4 FASTOPEN=256 HISTORY=ON, 256, ON, OFF, OFF DEVICE-C:\REMM.SYS ?"MemoryMAX w/no LIM (y/n)? "DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\HIDOS.SYS /C=EMSALL /B=AUTO ?"MemoryMAX w/ LIM (y/n)? "DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\HIDOS.SYS /C=EMSUMB /B=AUTO HIDOS=ON ?"Use the Compressed Disk (Y/N)? "DEVICE=C:\SSTORDRV.SYS ?"Enable DelWatch TSR (Y/N)? " set delw=on ?"Load Netware (Y/N)? " set lan=on AUTOEXEC.BAT @ECHO OFF :DRDOSBEG PATH C:\;C:\DRDOS;C:\NETWARE VERIFY OFF PROMPT [DR DOS] $P$G if "%lan%"=="on" IPX if "%lan%"=="on" NET3 if "%delw%"=="on" DELWATCH C: /M:200 DISKMAP C: :DRDOSEND An XT-type computer, with LIM 4.0 expanded memory, will take advantage of the following DR DOS 6.0 features: First, the computer's expanded memory driver is loaded (named REMM.SYS in this example). The driver supplied with your computer will probably be named something different, however, specify the use of this driver in the same location. Second, the MemoryMAX driver HIDOS.SYS allows the operating system to relocate into Upper Memory via the /B=AUTO switch. The other switches, /CHIPSET=EMSALL or EMSUMB, allow either all the Upper Memory (128K) to be used for the operating system's purpose (but with no LIM support) or to allow an EMS page frame (LIM support) and an Upper Memory Block of 64K. The EMS memory manager and hardware must be LIM 4.0 compatible for this to properly work. The Compressed Disk driver, SSTORDRV.SYS, could be used to access leftover disk space on another fixed disk partition. The DELWATCH command is a 5k TSR loaded to keep track of deleted files. The options indicate that Drive C: will be watched and no more than 200 deletions will be tracked or saved. The DISKMAP command takes a snap-shot of Drive C:'s file allocation table and will further increase chances of a successful file "undeletion". PC/AT or 286 based Computers with 640K and LIM 4.0 Expansion Boards CONFIG.SYS SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P /E:256 /R BREAK=ON BUFFERS=20 FILES=30 FCBS=4,4 FASTOPEN=256 HISTORY=ON, 256, ON, OFF, OFF device=remm.sys ?"MemoryMAX w/no LIM (y/n)? "DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\HIDOS.SYS /C=EMSALL /B=FFFF ?"MemoryMAX w/ LIM (y/n)? "DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\HIDOS.SYS /C=EMSUMB /B=FFFF HIDOS=ON ?"Use the Compressed Disk (Y/N)? "DEVICE=C:\SSTORDRV.SYS ?"Load Netware (Y/N)? " set lan=on ?"Enable DelWatch TSR (Y/N)? " set delw=on AUTOEXEC.BAT @ECHO OFF :DRDOSBEG PATH C:\;C:\DRDOS;C:\NETWARE VERIFY OFF PROMPT [DR DOS] $P$G if "%lan%"=="on" IPX if "%lan%"=="on" NET3 if "%delw%"=="on" DELWATCH C: /M:200 DISKMAP C: :DRDOSEND This basic setup is similar to an XT with 640K RAM and additional LIM 4.0 expanded memory. The LIM 4.0 Expansion Board will be outfitted with some amount of memory and they will come with a device driver which enables it to work and function with DOS applications. The device driver that the memory expansion board comes with could be named REMM.SYS. Please read your documentation for your memory expansion board for the location and name of the driver that enables that memory. If the driver supplied with your computer is named differently, you can still specify the use of this driver in the same location as indicated by the REMM.SYS line above. The MemoryMAX driver HIDOS.SYS is allowing the operating system to relocate into High Memory via the /B=FFFF switch. You must be able to configure at least 64K of extended memory at FFFF (decimal 1Meg) for this option to work. Otherwise, you can use /B=AUTO. The other switches, /CHIPSET=EMSALL or EMSUMB allow either all the Upper Memory to be used for the operating system's purpose or to allow an EMS (LIM) page frame as well as an extra portion of upper memory. As stated earlier the EMS memory manager and the LIM hardware must be LIM 4.0 to work properly. The DELWATCH command is a 5k TSR loaded to keep track of deleted files. The options indicate that Drive C: will be watched and no more than 200 deletions will be tracked (the tracked being saved in a hidden file of the same drive). The DISKMAP command takes a snap-shot of Drive C's file allocation table. 286-Based Computer with Special Chipsets and Extended Memory CONFIG.SYS SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P /E:256 BREAK=ON BUFFERS=20 FILES=30 FCBS=4,4 FASTOPEN=256 HISTORY=ON, 256, ON, OFF, OFF device=remm.sys ?"Load MemoryMAX (y/n)? "DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\HIDOS.SYS /B=FFFF /C=AUTO HIDOS=ON ?"Use the Compressed Disk (Y/N)? "DEVICE=C:\SSTORDRV.SYS ?"Enable DelWatch TSR (Y/N)? " set delw=on ?"Load Netware (Y/N)? " set lan=on AUTOEXEC.BAT @ECHO OFF :DRDOSBEG PATH C:\;C:\DRDOS;C:\NETWARE VERIFY OFF PROMPT [DR DOS] $P$G if "%lan%"=="on" hiload IPX if "%lan%"=="on" hiload NET3 if "%delw%"=="on" DELWATCH C: /M:200 DISKMAP C: :DRDOSEND These files can be used if your 286/AT has been manufactured with special ROM chips which offer control of certain memory functions (page 418-423). These systems offer favorable upper memory support for DR DOS's MemoryMAX software to enable and use Upper Memory for TSR's and device drivers. Shadowing should be enabled in the computer's CMOS to support the creation of upper memory by DR DOS 6.0. The important line in this example is the MemoryMAX driver HIDOS.SYS. This allows the operating system to sense the type of chipset within the 286/AT, enable Upper Memory and relocate the operating system files into Upper or High Memory via the /B= switch. The valid switch options for /CHIPSET= are: EMSALL or (for 286s with LIM 4.0 compatible hardware/drivers) EMSUMB NEAT (for 286s with Chips & Technologies NEAT, NEATsx, LeAPSet, or LeAPSetsx) SCAT (for 286s with Chips & Technologies SCAT chipset) RAM (for permanent Upper Memory. Must be used with the /USE option on the HIDOS.SYS driver) NONE (for telling HIDOS.SYS not to use Shadow RAM) AUTO (for AUTO detection of chipset installed) 386/486 Based Computers with 1 Megabyte of RAM CONFIG.SYS SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P /E:512 BREAK=ON HIBUFFERS=20 FILES=30 FCBS=4,4 FASTOPEN=256 HISTORY=ON, 256, ON, OFF, OFF DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\EMM386.SYS /F=NONE /K=AUTO /B=FFFF /R=AUTO HIDOS=ON ?"Use the Compressed Disk (Y/N)? "DEVICE=C:\SSTORDRV.SYS ?"Enable DelWatch TSR (Y/N)? " set delw=on ?"Load Netware (Y/N)? " set lan=on AUTOEXEC.BAT @ECHO OFF :DRDOSBEG PATH C:\;C:\DRDOS;C:\NETWARE VERIFY OFF PROMPT [DR DOS] $P$G if "%lan%"=="on" hiload IPX if "%lan%"=="on" hiload NET3 if "%delw%"=="on" DELWATCH C: /M:200 DISKMAP C: :DRDOSEND This configuration will allow a 386 or 486 based computer to relocate the operating system into High Memory and enable the use of Upper Memory. With an average of 120K of RAM in Upper Memory, one can put network and other drivers, as well as TSR programs, into that 120K space by using HIDEVICE, HIINSTALL or HILOAD (for TSRs). The SuperStor driver is useful in doubling the apparent capacity of the disk partition to which it's applied. If this has not been applied to your disk drive, you can elect not to use this driver and therefore save a substantial amount of conventional memory. Therefore, the "?" allows the driver to be loaded at will, whenever that particular partition needs to be accessed. If the driver is loaded, you can expect to achieve about 603K of conventional memory. The above example is for a drive other than C:. If C: is compressed SuperStor will create a DCONFIG.SYS file on the uncompressed side and will place the SuperStor driver there. Refer to Document 1200 for more information on SuperStor. 386/486 Based Computers with GREATER than 1 Megabyte of RAM CONFIG.SYS SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P /E:512 BREAK=ON HIBUFFERS=20 FILES=30 FCBS=4,4 FASTOPEN=256 HISTORY=ON, 256, ON, OFF, OFF HIDOS=ON DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\EMM386.SYS /F=NONE /K=AUTO /B=FFFF /R=AUTO ?"Use the Compressed Disk (Y/N)? "DEVICE=C:\SSTORDRV.SYS ?"Enable DelWatch TSR (Y/N)? " set delw=on ?"Load Netware (Y/N)? " set lan=on AUTOEXEC.BAT @ECHO OFF :DRDOSBEG PATH C:\;C:\DRDOS;C:\NETWARE VERIFY OFF PROMPT [DR DOS] $P$G if "%lan%"=="on" hiload IPX if "%lan%"=="on" hiload NET3 if "%delw%"=="on" DELWATCH C: /M:200 DISKMAP C: :DRDOSEND This configuration will allow a 386 or 486 based computer to relocate the operating system into High Memory. With an average of 120K of RAM in Upper Memory, a portion of the SuperStor driver, the IPX and possibly the NET3 (or NETX) software will also fit into Upper Memory. The SuperStor driver is useful in doubling the apparent capacity of the disk partition to which it's applied. If this has not been applied to your main disk drive, you can elect not to use this driver and therefore save a substantial amount of conventional memory. Therefore, the "?" allows the driver to be loaded at will, whenever that particular partition needs to be accessed. The above examples have been for drives other than C:. If C: is compressed SuperStor will create a DCONFIG.SYS file on the uncompressed side and will place the SuperStor driver there. Refer to Document 1200. 386/486 Based Computers with greater than 1 Megabyte of RAM running TaskMAX CONFIG.SYS SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P /E:512 BREAK=ON HIBUFFERS=20 FILES=30 FCBS=4,4 FASTOPEN=256 HISTORY=ON, 256, ON, OFF, OFF HIDOS=ON DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\EMM386.SYS /F=NONE /K=AUTO /B=AUTO /R=AUTO ?"Use the TaskMAX task switcher (Y/N)? " set tasker=on ?"Enable DelWatch TSR (Y/N)? " set delw=on ?"Load Netware (Y/N)? " set lan=on AUTOEXEC.BAT @ECHO OFF :DRDOSBEG PATH C:\;C:\DRDOS;C:\NETWARE VERIFY OFF PROMPT [DR DOS] $P$G if "%lan%"=="on" hiload IPX if "%lan%"=="on" hiload NETX if "%tasker%"=="on" share if "%tasker%"=="on" taskmax if "%delw%"=="on" DELWATCH C: /M:200 DISKMAP C: :DRDOSEND This minimal configuration will allow a 386 or 486 based computer to relocate the operating system into Upper Memory. Although this is not optimal for the EMM386.SYS driver, the amount of memory available on most 386/486 computers will allow the Upper Memory to be addressed and used for the relocation of the operating system files, drivers or TSR's. With an average of 120K of RAM in UPPER Memory, the operating system will be able to get SHARE into HMA, TaskMAX and the Netware drivers into UPPER Memory. Before Netware is loaded you should be able to have 625K available conventional memory. Alternately, you can load the drivers in the AUTOEXEC file from the command line (eg. SHARE, TASKMAX, HILOAD IPX and HILOAD NETX). The NETX utility found on the last DR DOS 6.0 floppy disk is included to allow you to task-switch on the Network. This will not allow multiple logins. However, it is designed to allow you to execute more than one on application on the network. WINDOWS Enhanced mode Configuration for 386/486 Based Computers 4 Megabytes or better CONFIG.SYS SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P /E:512 BREAK=ON HIBUFFERS=8 FILES=30 FCBS=4,4 FASTOPEN=0 HISTORY=ON, 256, ON, OFF, OFF HIDOS=ON DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\EMM386.SYS /F=NONE /K=AUTO /B=FFFF /R=AUTO DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\PCKWIN.SYS ?"Load Netware (Y/N)? " set lan=on ?"Enable DelWatch TSR (Y/N)? " set delw=on AUTOEXEC.BAT @ECHO OFF :DRDOSBEG PATH C:\;C:\DRDOS;C:\NETWARE;C;\WINDOWS VERIFY OFF PROMPT [DR DOS] $P$G if "%lan%"=="on" hiload IPX if "%lan%"=="on" hiload NET3 SUPERPCK /EM /S:2048 if "%delw%"=="on" DELWATCH C: /M:200 DISKMAP C: :DRDOSEND This basic configuration allows a 386 or 486 based computer to run WINDOWS in the "enhanced mode" or "real mode". The EMM386.SYS driver indicates that a LIM page-frame location is being established by the operating system driver (/F=AUTO). The amount of memory allocated to be converted to expanded memory is 1024K (/K=1024). The operating system is being relocated to HMA (/B=FFFF) and the information in the video and system BIOS ROMs are being "shadowed" to faster RAM (/R=AUTO).If you want more upper memory you can disable the LIM Page Frame with the parameter /F=NONE. This will give you an additional 64K of upper memory but you will not have any EMS. SuperPCKwik is going to be 2 Megabytes insize (/S:2048) and use the extended memory (/EM) set aside with the EMM386.SYS driver. It will lend approximately half of its memory for use as XMS memory for WINDOWS. SuperPCK is using the WINDOWS compatible portion of its driver (PCKWIN.SYS) so that WINDOWS performance is enhanced because of better disk performance. With the EMM386.SYS driver, an average of 120K of RAM may be available to relocate network drivers, TSRs and other drivers into Upper Memory. This configuration has been able to provide 625K of Conventional Memory before WINDOWS is loaded. WINDOWS Standard mode Configuration for 386/486 Based Computers with more than 2 Megabytes CONFIG.SYS SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P /E:512 BREAK=ON HIBUFFERS=20 FILES=30 FCBS=4,4 FASTOPEN=256 HISTORY=ON, 256, ON, OFF, OFF HIDOS=ON DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\EMM386.SYS /F=NONE /B=FFFF /R=AUTO /WINSTD DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\PCKWIN.SYS ?"Load Netware (Y/N)? " set lan=on ?"Enable DelWatch TSR (Y/N)? " set delw=on AUTOEXEC.BAT @ECHO OFF :DRDOSBEG PATH C:\;C:\DRDOS;C:\NETWARE;C;\WINDOWS VERIFY OFF PROMPT [DR DOS] $P$G if "%lan%"=="on" hiload IPX if "%lan%"=="on" hiload NET3 SUPERPCK /EM if "%delw%"=="on" DELWATCH C: /M:200 DISKMAP C: :DRDOSEND This basic configuration allows a 386 or 486 based computer to run WINDOWS in the "Standard mode" or "real mode". The EMM386.SYS driver indicates that NO LIM page-frame be established by the driver (/F=NONE), the operating system is being relocated to HMA (/B=FFFF) and the information in the video and system BIOS ROMs are being "shadowed" to faster RAM. SuperPCKwik is going to use all of the extended memory enabled by EMM386.SYS for caching the disk drive. Half of this amount will be "lent" to Windows. SuperPCK is using the WINDOWS compatible portion of its driver so that WINDOWS performance is enhanced because of better disk performance. This configuration has been able to provide 625K of Conventional Memory before WINDOWS is loaded. Windows Enhanced mode Configuration for 386/486 with 2 Megabytes CONFIG.SYS SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P /E:512 /MU BREAK=ON BUFFERS=20 FILES=30 FCBS=4,4 FASTOPEN=256 HISTORY=ON, 256, ON, OFF, OFF HIDOS=ON DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\EMM386.SYS /F=NONE /B=AUTO /R=NONE ?"Load Netware (Y/N)? " set lan=on ?"Enable DelWatch TSR (Y/N)? " set delw=on AUTOEXEC.BAT @ECHO OFF :DRDOSBEG PATH C:\;C:\DRDOS;C:\NETWARE;C;\WINDOWS VERIFY OFF PROMPT [DR DOS] $P$G if "%lan%"=="on" hiload IPX if "%lan%"=="on" hiload NET3 if "%delw%"=="on" DELWATCH C: /M:200 DISKMAP C: :DRDOSEND A 2 megabyte computer is not the optimal system for Windows in enhanced mode. System performance may be greatly reduced because Windows will need to use swap files and no cache can be used to help accelerate disk I/O. This configuration will allow a 386/486 with 2 Megabytes to run Windows in Enhanced mode. Because Windows requires a minimum of 1 Megabyte of XMS this configuration does not use the HMA. The SHELL statement has the switch /MU to force it to upper memory. EMM386 is loading the kernel into upper memory with /B=AUTO and we use BUFFERS (upper) instead of HIBUFFERS (HMA). Finally, because we need all of the XMS memory available SuperPCK is not used in this configuration. Start Windows with "WIN /3". HIDOS.SYS can also be used to replace EMM386.SYS. ****************************** MODELS OF CONFIGURATION FILES The following configuration ideas should be considered advanced and for those who are interested in more sophisticated organization of their configuration and autoexec files. Only the basic ideas are outlined in each example. The rest of the file can be filled in with your own specifications. EXAMPLE 1 - The use of GOTO in the CONFIG file. ?"Do you want to run QEMM (y/n)? " goto QEMM ?"Do you want to run MemoryMAX (y/n)? " goto DRDOS :QEMM DEVICE=c:\QTR_DECK\QEMM386.SYS DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\HIDOS.SYS /B=FFFF (additional QEMM driver lines go here...) goto COMMON :DRDOS hidos=on DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\EMM386.SYS /F=AUTO... .... :COMMON files=40 hibuffers=20 ... EXAMPLE 2 - The use of CHAIN in the CONFIG file. This example shows that you can "link" to other files that hold your configurations for each system "setup". In the following CONFIG.SYS file, the two lines direct the configuration process to the files: QCONFIG and MCONFIG.SYS-files. The appropriate FILES, BUFFERS, etc. information is contained within those files and not the main CONFIG.SYS file. ?"Do you want to run QEMM (y/n)? " chain=QCONFIG.SYS ?"Do you want to run MemoryMAX (y/n)? " chain=MCONFIG.SYS EXAMPLE 3 - The following CONFIG file demonstrates the use of SWITCH/RETURN commands and use of labels. Select the option by number and continue processing. Notice the use of the ECHO statement for setting up the menu options. ECHO = Choose how much Extended Memory you want to convert ECHO = to LIM Memory for this session. ECHO = ECHO = 1 (or ENTER) No LIM Memory ECHO = 2 512K of Memory ECHO = 3 1024K of Memory ECHO = 4 2048K of Memory ECHO = ECHO = Make your selection... SWITCH NOLIM, 512K, 1024K, 2048K GOTO DEFAULTS :NOLIM DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\EMM386.SYS /F=NONE /K=AUTO /B=FFFF /R=AUTO RETURN :512K DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\EMM386.SYS /F=AUTO /K=512 /B=FFFF /R=AUTO RETURN :1024K DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\EMM386.SYS /F=AUTO /K=1024 /B=FFFF /R=AUTO RETURN :2048K DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\EMM386.SYS /F=AUTO /K=2048 /B=FFFF /R=AUTO RETURN :DEFAULTS SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM \C: /P /E:512 HIDOS=ON HIBUFFERS=20 FILES=30 etc... EXAMPLE 4 - The following CONFIG file section shows how "environment variables" can be set according to the configuration options one chooses. These variables are passed to the command processor (COMMAND.COM) where they can be tested and processed through the AUTOEXEC.BAT or other batch files. The CLS, CPOS, EXIT and SET commands are featured in this example. :DEFAULTS SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM \C: /P /E:512 HIDOS=ON HIBUFFERS=20 FILES=30 etc.... ECHO = Choose which TSRs and Utilities you want loaded ECHO = at BOOT time for this session. ECHO = ECHO = 1 (or ENTER) None... just continue ECHO = 2 Mouse & Cursor Drivers ECHO = 3 Keyboard "Speeder" ECHO = 4 Novell Network ECHO = 5 Done with selections ECHO = ECHO = Make your selection... :MORE CPOS 10,33 SWITCH NOTHING, CURSMOUS, SPEEDKEY, NOVELL, DONE GOTO MORE :DONE :NOTHING CLS EXIT :CURSMOUS SET THINGS=ON RETURN :SPEEDKEY SET SPEEDKEY=ON RETURN :NOVELL SET NETWORK=ON RETURN The accompanying AUTOEXEC below picks up the environment variables. The AUTOEXEC.BAT file now allows testing of the environment variables and executes commands based upon the conditionals as illustrated below: @ECHO OFF :drdosbeg VERIFY OFF PATH C:\;C:\DRDOS;C:\BATS;C:\TOOLS;C:\WINDOWS if "%ansi%"=="on" prompt $e[s$e[0;70H$e[1;36m$t$e[u$e[1;36mDR DOS6$p$g$e[2;32m if "%ansi%"=="off" PROMPT [DR DOS] $P$G SET TEMP=C:\TEMP IF NOT "%TEMP%"=="" MD %TEMP% >NUL if "%things%"=="on" HILOAD MOUSE if "%things%"=="on" HILOAD CURSOR /s10 if "%speedkey%"=="on" c:\drdos\mode con:rate=30 delay=1 if "%network%"=="on" hiload c:\lan\ipx if "%network%"=="on" hiload c:\lan\net3 :drdosend OTHER EXAMPLES Select different configuration options from the CONFIG.SYS file using the ? ?SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P /E:512 ?SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P /E:1024 ?BREAK=OFF ?BREAK=ON BUFFERS=20 FILES=20 ?HISTORY=ON, 256, ON, OFF, OFF ?DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\ANSI.SYS Select different AUTOEXEC.BAT's from CONFIG.SYS using the ? ?"Default Autoexec? (y/n) "SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P /E:256 ?"Alternate Autoexec? (y/n) "SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P:ALTERNAT.BAT /E:256 Select and use different configuration files from CONFIG.SYS at bootup. ?"Do you want to run Windows? (y/n) " chain = WCONFIG.SYS ?"Do you want to use QEMM? (y/n) " chain = QCONFIG.SYS ?"Do you want to use MemoryMAX? (y/n) chain = MCONFIG.SYS ?"Do you want to use 386MAX? (y/n) chain = 386CONF.SYS (Each line is printed on the screen and you are asked to load/run the chained configuration file. Each configuration file is a complete CONFIG.SYS-like file complete with all appropriate options.) The idea above can be accomplished by making number-selectable "menu" choices using SWITCH. Note how the "SET environment" variables can be used and tested for different "autoexec.bat" files in this example: ECHO = 1 For Windows Configuration ECHO = 2 For QEMM Configuration ECHO = 3 For DR DOS' MemoryMAX Configuration ECHO = 4 For 386MAX Configuration ECHO = 5 For no Configuration... just exit SWITCH win, qemm, memm, 386m, none :none set autoexec=norm exit :win set autoexec=win chain=wconfig.sys :qemm set autoexec=qemm chain=qconfig.sys :memm set autoexec=memm chain=mconfig.sys :386m set autoexec=386m chain=386conf.sys Autoexec.bat for the above @echo off PATH C:\DRDOS;C:\;C:\UTIL; VERIFY OFF PROMPT $P$G DISKMAP C: D: IF "%autoexec%"=="norm" goto DRDOSEXIT SHARE /L:40 IF "%autoexec%"=="win" SUPERPCK /EM /L:2048 IF "%autoexec%"=="qemm" CALL QEMM.BAT IF "%autoexec%"=="memm" SUPERPCK /A /L:2048 IF "%autoexec%"=="386m" CALL 386.BAT :DRDOSEXIT